27 Dec 2023
About Me

My name is Ivan Uemlianin. I am an experienced Erlang and Python programmer, with a background in linguistics/NLP, AI, and statistics.
… is here
Working with information technology
- I have 10+ years software development experience, mostly in Python and Erlang.
- I am familiar with the challenges of microservices architectures, and high-throughput data stream processing.
- I have a personal side interest in Prolog, Answer Set programming, and logic programming in general (see my @PrologInfo twitter account).
Working with information
- I am a competent and directed researcher, skilled at the collection, analysis and communication of information.
- I have successful practical experience of requirements analysis, software design, implementation & testing, maintenance and debugging.
- I have a facility for absorbing new and complex information, using it, and helping others to understand it.
Working with people
- I thrive in cross-functional teams, and care about team dynamics, & how teams grow and develop.
- I am a confident and successful teacher and staff trainer, using different approaches and various media as appropriate.
- I am familiar with a number of management and personnel situations: for example, managing colleagues, working as part of a team, working alone, working under instruction; mentoring & pastoral care; external liaison.